Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mormons, Sir!

Sometimes, I get to go on the LDS website while I wait for my companion to be done with e-mail. This last time, I saw something that made me the happiest: Jason stood with Tommy Monson. So, this is a shout out to Moore Door: Ya'll rock. I hope things are the awesomest for you. Also, thanks to Lucille for letting me know about Moore Door. Oh, you clever James.

Elder Ortega

A rushed blog post

May 15


-Elder Ortega

Adail, the Fisher

May 8

My prime investigator is Adail. He is almost 70, and he keeps saying that he wants to go to the United States, meet with me, and there we can walk together. In our last lesson. I told him that I like that idea, that we could have many good times together there, and that it really had become a desire of mine (If he gets to the U.S., I'm making a lot of time for him). But I have a stronger desire - that he and I walk together in the Celestial Kingdom. I've found that my testimony of the Plan of Salvation is one of the strongest things I can share with the people here, and I love it.

Footnote: Adail continues to tell us that he will be baptised next Sunday, because he wants to get it done before Elder J. Gomes or I could be transferred, which is next Tuesday. So. Cool.