Tuesday, July 17, 2012

President Hart

This past week, we had a special training. Because I'm serving so far from the mission home, we got to eat lunch with President and Sister Hart. I got to sit at the table with them, and I learned a lot more about their lives. He went to BYU, they got engaged after two weeks, and the engagement lasted a year. Her father was his stake president, but wasn't upset about the engagement. Rather, when she came home and told him they were engaged, he said that he had a feeling that they would be married. Many years later, everything is still working. Moral of the story: The spirit always tells us the right answer. Also, a diamond ring hidden in a lump of coal is a great idea for a Christmas present.

-Elder Ortega

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

How to make an Elder happy

So, this past Sunday was quite special for me. We had an investigator in church who used to be someone I was afraid to see on the road because he... was different. But now he's our best candidate for baptism this week! It was amazing to see the change that the gospel brought into his life. He's responsible and friendly. He even puts off work (which he can, being the boss) to wait for our lessons. I'm so excited to be working with him now. What's more, if we get everything set up right, President Hart will be doing the interview personally this Saturday. Which is great. He'll becoming to Barreiras at the end of this week. I'm quite looking forward to that, as we've been needing something here. Go, work of the Lord!

Elder Ortega

Saturday, July 7, 2012


New companion! New other companionship! New areas to work in! New force of mind among the members with regard to missionary work! Same wonderful city of Barriers! Transfers brought Elder Alves, Elder Hale, and Elder Larson. Elders Hale, Larson, and I are all Americans and together have less time on the mission than Elder Alves has in the field. It's fun! We're already good friends, and it's just a nice change of pace. And, we have a clean apartment, thanks to Elders Lund and Perez who stayed here last p-day waiting for new Elders. Yay, everything! I miss my old friends here, but I'm excited to meet new people and work hard. Also, if the church wasn't true, we'd have killed it by now. Yeah!

-Elder Ortega

First Baptism!

June 26

So, this week was very happy. She is Josefa. She is 81 years old. She likes to cross-stitch. She has some problems with her knees. She has a large family, but most of them live far away. She has a husband whose mind is becoming weak. She has been reading the Book of Mormon every day, at least one chapter, for weeks now. She has a testimony that it is true, that it was translated by a true prophet, and that we are God's servants today. But most of all, she is happy. And that is enough for me.

-Elder Ortega

Happy Birthday

June 21

Not many missionaries receive 10 envelopes within 24 hours. Congratulations, Elder Ortega fans, you rock. Thanks for making my birthday super happy. I feel loved. Also, gold stars to Kenyon for including pictures and Jon for getting a bucketload of other people to write. It really was so special. Some missionaries seemed a bit bitter that I received so much, but the ones who I know were just happy for me. Also, I'm happy for me.

So, the day of my birthday was special. Elder Emmett (District Leader) and Elder King (his companion) worked very hard to mke it special for me. We had a ward party that night and a lot of food. During the party, they ahd a little slide show to honor me. It was funny. The branch here is so wonderful, and I'm glad they got in on much of it also. But the best part was thinking about my family. They we at Disney World, and the thought of my sister having that much fun really made me smile. Family is the best!

-Elder Ortega

A clean apartment is a happy apartment

May 29, 2012

We finally cleaned the apartment today, which was quite necessary. We've been having water troubles (which seemed to be resolved now, thankfully), so it didn't get cleaned for a while. But now, it's cleaner that it was when we arrived seven weeks ago. I think, with our mindset and with the good start, we might be able to maintain it this way. So, why am I blogging about cleaning? Really, the Spirit likes order and cleanliness. It is so much easier to concentrate in a clean apartment, and emotions are less tense. It's something I've known for years, but we can always use reminders. If you've been having trouble concentrating or feeling the Spirit, take a look at your surroundings. Maybe you just need to clean something out, whether it be physical or spiritual.

I love you all!
-Elder Ortega

P.S. You can all e-mail me! I just can't e-mail back unless you're family. My address is nicholas.ortega@myldsmail.net. Tchau!